3/4 of agents at Pellego
invest in real estate

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Seattle Puget Sound

Pellego Pro
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Kevin Thomas

Kim Botha

Kristine Grace

Kristine is a long time local who has worked Commercial Properties in King and Pierce counties for the last 10 years.

Krubale Mulugeta

Kyle Thompson

Lala Shakarova

Lauren Phan

Leah Harris

Lee Dickson

Leslie Goeres

Lindsay Kim

Lindsay Li

Lisa Clem

Lucas Roth

Lucas averages 10points/game in men's leagues throughout the greater Seattle area.

Ludek Wanot

Ly Le

Ly Le is an investor agent for the Eastside & Mercer Island with experience in reno, long- and short-term rentals

Lyudmila Shornal

Mack Owen

Madeline Shirley

Madison Stoneman

Northern California

Pellego Pro
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Megan Silver

Michael-Angel Campesino

Mike Mix

Neil Ayton

Shashikala Ghuge

Suhyeon Kim

Xu Guo

Southern California

Pellego Pro
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Nader Moshiri

Nelson Couto

Nicole Holcomb

Nitti Kaur

Patrick Moore

Renata Cerveny

Reza Zahedi

Reza is an investor focused real estate agent in Southern California

Richard Davis

Richie Tolentino

Rochelle Oyas

Ryan Liu

Sait Ilhaner

Sandy Bole

Sean Daily

Sivan Eretz-Kedosha

Stefanie Gray

Stefon Houston

Stephan Perez

Sukhpreet Brar

Terri Coffey

South Florida

Pellego Pro
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Alexander Silitch

Alyx Yu

Andre Little

Armando Hassey

cash flow investments (AirBnbs, small multifamily homes) in central & south FL, & transitioning to commerical. He is also an equestrian.

Arthur Fontanes

Balaji Rajendran

Beryl Correia

Brad Fitzgerald

Chris Lall

Dan Almagor

Dan Santiago

Dave Reinke

Felicia Wells

Gipse Gonzalez

Grey McCoy

Ivana Hyde

Jared Shapiro

Jennifer Tindal

Jonathan Lozano

Kasimir Souffrant