3/4 of agents at Pellego
invest in real estate

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Seattle Puget Sound

Pellego Pro
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Vanno Vong

Vanno flips condos and holds 2-4 unit rentals in Snohomish county. Vanno is also a managing broker who has seen 1400+ transactions.

Vessy Ivanova

Vijay Kumar

Viktor Oliferchik

Vlad Pigin

William Bannister

Yaw Agyei

Yawen Yu

Yelena Vranna

Yu Khan

Zakir Butte

Northern California

Pellego Pro
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Megan Silver

Michael-Angel Campesino

Mike Mix

Neil Ayton

Shashikala Ghuge

Suhyeon Kim

Xu Guo

Southern California

Pellego Pro
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Agnieszka Andrejewicz

Alejandro Abaoag

Business Brokerage

Amber Fonts

Amber is a real estate professional who loves to help her clients get into their ideal home. She looks forward to working with you.

Amber Yang

Angelena Harris

Annie Tran

Aram Malkhasyan

Audrey Huynh

Barbara Wurtz

Bassam Helou

Ben Maughan

Brett MacKnight

Brian Kurzawa

Carlos Galicia-Hernandez

Cassandra Boston

Catherine Jose

Cecilia Salimian

Cesar Martinez

Changmo Park

Cheyenne Myles

South Florida

Pellego Pro
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Alexander Silitch

Alyx Yu

Andre Little

Armando Hassey

cash flow investments (AirBnbs, small multifamily homes) in central & south FL, & transitioning to commerical. He is also an equestrian.

Arthur Fontanes

Balaji Rajendran

Beryl Correia

Brad Fitzgerald

Chris Lall

Dan Almagor

Dan Santiago

Dave Reinke

Felicia Wells

Gipse Gonzalez

Grey McCoy

Ivana Hyde

Jared Shapiro

Jennifer Tindal

Jonathan Lozano

Kasimir Souffrant