Analyze every deal
Filter the MLS by estimated investment returns, re-calculated hourly with Pellego's comp analysis and deal templates.
Research rehab opportunities. Get flipped comps, repair cost guides, and deal calculators for any address, on or off market.
Available in Western Washington, the California Bay Area, the Greater LA Metro, and Southern Florida
Find more deals in less time with flip and rental search.
Filter the MLS by estimated investment returns, re-calculated hourly with Pellego's comp analysis and deal templates.
Display listings as flips or rentals. Set multiple locations. Look for unfinished square feet and underutilized zoning.
Pull property details, renovated comps, and pre-filled flip and rentals models with one search.
Generate, edit, and save deal sheets, pre-filled with Pellego's initial flip and rental estimates and templates.
Review renovated comps and an estimated after repair value (ARV), based on modeling tens of thousands of historical flips.
Adjust financing terms, carrying time, and any input to see the affect on profit, ROI, COC, and other investment metrics.
Turn your comps and rehab plans into detailed valuations.
Use Pellego's initial comps and ARV or calculate a new ARV based on your custom comp search and selections.
Breakdown the value of differences between the subject house and its comps. Account for an extra garage, different market conditions, etc.
Explore the ARV potential of a finished basement or an extra bathroom. Or get new construction comps, optimized for your lot size.
Edit and track your flip and rental assumptions. from start to finish.
Add or edit any cost as a specific dollar value or as a calculation based on other assumptions.
Choose between five property-specific scopes of work, instantly generated for any address.
Save any property with your unique selection of comps, structure edits, and financial analysis.
Get alerts on your saved deals when Pellego identifies new comps or updates is rent estimates.
Adjust hard money loan terms for flips. Adjust mortgage or refi terms for rentals.
Track carrying time and costs, such as insurance, utilities, taxes, etc.
Calculate your max allowable offer based on your target profit or ROI.
Save your deal with separate renovation budgets for flip versus rental analysis.
Set rent and value appreciation schedules. See cash flow and equity over time.
See the probability of any sales price, so you can be competitive without over paying.
See loan and sales history. See permits, liens, and more.
See Google Street View on property pages. Go full screen without leaving the page.
See before photos on MLS-flipped comps, alongside purchase price and carrying time.